Steve Gullberg

Cultural sensitivities are very much a part of cultural astronomy. To begin with, when archaeoastronomical data is collected it must be placed into cultural context. This necessitates understanding the culture and why it uses/used astronomy. Understanding a culture must not stop there, however. The concerns of Indigenous people at astronomical sites built upon their sacred… Continue reading Steve Gullberg

Javier Mejuto

My name is Javier Mejuto, at the moment I chair the Archeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy Department at the Space Sciences Faculty, National Autonomous University of Honduras. I am member of the Culturally Sensitive Sites Committee as part of my service in the IAU (International Astronomical Union), where I am Co-chairing the Inter-Commission C1-C2-C3-C4 WG Astronomy in… Continue reading Javier Mejuto

Steve Miller

Interview with Culturally Sensitive Sites Committee Member Steve Miller. Listen to the Audio here Jarita Holbrook: So, actually I’m going to start with, who are you, Steve Miller? Steve Miller: I’m the Vice President of the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) at the moment. Steve Miller: I’ve been a professor of planetary science and science communication… Continue reading Steve Miller

The IAU-RAS-AAS Sensitive Sites Committee Blog

Welcome to the Cultural Skies Blog! This blog is a way of sharing information about the IAU-RAS-AAS Sensitive Sites working group along with out goals and our achievements. For 2022, I am organising our monthly blogs. We will have guest editors drawn from our working group tell us about themselves, their research and their roles… Continue reading The IAU-RAS-AAS Sensitive Sites Committee Blog